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Women Voting, Men Submitting, and the Death of Biblical Order
How Rejecting Male Headship Opened the Church to Every Cultural Lie
The church’s long march toward cultural irrelevance didn’t begin with rainbow flags in sanctuaries or drag queen Bible studies. It began when Christians decided that God’s Word wasn’t good enough for modern times. Egalitarianism—now paraded as progress—is nothing more than rebellion in theological garb, a full-scale mutiny against God’s created order. Men sitting silently while their wives preach, entire denominations trading biblical fidelity for cultural applause and even LGBTQ+ lunatics parading around in costumes pretending to be parishioners of God’s sacred and holy Word.. Rejecting male headship hasn’t just blurred the lines between men and women; it has erased them. The fruit of this rebellion is all around us—apostasy, division, and a church indistinguishable from the world.
This is the story of how abandoning God’s design has made a shipwreck of the modern church.
Egalitarianism: A Trojan Horse for Rebellion
Egalitarianism markets itself as the pursuit of fairness and equality, but at its core, it is an insidious denial of God’s authority. God, in His infinite wisdom, created men and women as equal in value but distinct in role (Genesis 1:27). These distinctions are not arbitrary; they reflect His design for order and flourishing. Adam was created first, given dominion, and tasked with naming the animals and Eve herself (Genesis 2:19–23). This act was not mere symbolism but a demonstration of his headship. Eve, created as his helper, was no less valuable but fundamentally different in her role.
Egalitarianism rejects this design. It claims that male headship is an outdated relic of patriarchy rather than a timeless truth rooted in creation itself. The movement begins by erasing distinctions between men and women in the home and church, but it never stops there. Once you throw out God’s order in one area, you will inevitably throw it out in others. The egalitarian experiment is the theological equivalent of a virus, infecting every doctrine it touches.
The Rebellion Against God’s Created Order
From the beginning, Satan’s strategy has been to undermine God’s authority by questioning His Word. “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1) was the serpent’s first move in Eden, and it remains his strategy today. Egalitarianism is a direct assault on the clarity and sufficiency of Scripture. When Paul writes in 1 Timothy 2:12–14 that women are not to teach or exercise authority over men, he roots this command in the order of creation—not in cultural preferences. Yet egalitarians dismiss this clear teaching as culturally conditioned, as though the inspired Word of God was merely Paul’s opinion. This is rebellion masquerading as enlightenment.
The consequences of this rebellion are staggering. Once the church rejects God’s design for men and women, it opens the floodgates for every other cultural lie. If male headship is oppressive, then why not redefine marriage? If gender roles are fluid, then why not gender itself? Egalitarianism is the theological gateway drug that leads directly to the acceptance of LGBTQ+ ideology and every other perversion of God’s order.
From Women Voting to Drag Queen Pastors
Egalitarianism has proven to be the thin end of the wedge that pries open the church to compromise with the world. Consider the trajectory:
Step 1: Women in Leadership
The first move is always the same—ordaining women as pastors or elders and allowing them to exercise authority over men. This is often justified with sentimental appeals to fairness and gifting, as though God’s commands are negotiable if someone is talented enough.
Step 2: Gender as a Social Construct
Once the church denies that men and women are fundamentally different in their roles, it’s only a matter of time before it denies they are different at all. The logic of egalitarianism inevitably leads to transgender ideology. After all, if roles are interchangeable, why not genders?
Step 3: The LGBTQ+ Agenda
The same hermeneutical gymnastics used to justify women in the pulpit are then used to bless same-sex marriage and ordain openly gay clergy. If the Bible’s teaching on gender roles is flexible, why not its teaching on sexual ethics?
This trajectory is not hypothetical; it is historical. Look at the denominations that embraced egalitarianism in the 20th century. The Episcopal Church, the United Methodist Church, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) all followed the same path. First, they ordained women. Then, they embraced LGBTQ+ ideology. Now, they are unrecognizable as Christian institutions.
Feminism: The Root of the Rotten Tree
Egalitarian theology is nothing more than baptized feminism, a secular ideology rooted in rebellion against God’s order. Feminism demands the obliteration of all distinctions between men and women, insisting that these differences are oppressive constructs rather than divine design. This rebellion against creation itself has now infiltrated the church, where terms like “justice” and “equity” are wielded as weapons against biblical authority.
But feminism doesn’t stop at gender roles. It is the ideological engine driving the LGBTQ+ agenda, demanding the erasure of all boundaries—biological, sexual, and moral. The connection is clear: once you embrace feminism’s premise that distinctions are oppressive, you must also embrace its conclusion that God’s design is tyrannical.
The Rotten Fruit of Egalitarianism
The fruit of egalitarianism is bitter and deadly. Churches that embrace this theology inevitably lose their prophetic voice and slide into irrelevance. Consider the following examples:
The Episcopal Church: Once a bastion of tradition, it now ordains openly LGBTQ+ clergy, performs same-sex marriages, and champions gender-neutral liturgies.
The United Methodist Church: After decades of egalitarian compromise, the UMC is splitting over its acceptance of LGBTQ+ clergy and same-sex marriage.
The ELCA: One of the earliest adopters of egalitarianism, it now blesses same-sex unions and even hosts gender transition ceremonies in some congregations.
These examples are not anomalies; they are the inevitable result of rejecting the authority of Scripture. Once a church compromises on God’s design for gender roles, it cannot hold the line on other issues. Compromise never stops where you want it to.
The American church must recognize egalitarianism for what it is: a rebellion against God’s design that leads to destruction. This is not an issue of secondary importance; it is a battle for the authority of Scripture and the integrity of the gospel itself. The Bible’s teaching on male headship is not a matter of preference or pragmatism—it is a reflection of God’s eternal wisdom and order.
Churches that embrace egalitarianism may gain temporary cultural approval, but they will lose their soul. To stand firm in this age of compromise, the church must reclaim a biblical, patriarchal theology that honors God’s design for men and women. This is not a call to chauvinism or abuse but to godly leadership and joyful submission that reflect Christ’s relationship with His Bride.
When you reject God’s order, you are declaring war on reality itself. And reality always wins.
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